With the school year finally over (I finalized my high school grades yesterday), I'm finding that I need to occupy myself in brain stretching ways. In order to avoid a huge pile of WIPs (which I nearly have already), I have been making a point to have near exclusivity with projects, particularly ones that have been in progress for quite a while.
Pulled out of hibernation |
My second
True Love, which was started back in February for the Ravellenic Games, is my current out-of-hibernation WIP. Habing only started back in February, the hibernation isn't as long as some of my other projects. I'm using 2 different colors of Knit Picks Palette, Mulberry and Fairytale, plus a coordinating shade of Classic Elite Alpaca Sox. My sister will again make fun of my constant use of pinks and purples, but they really are my favorite colors. My husband's family vacation starts at the end of July, so I'm hoping to have a couple of new shawls for the chilly nights on the lake. This may be one of them :)
lots of blues
My other out-of-hibernation project has been the "Wedding Ripple". Originally started about 3 months before my wedding last year, my husband thinks I should finish it up for the baby. I'm stubbornly refusing, saying that this is "our" blanket, and I need to finish it for us. It is nearly queen sized, so will fit on our current bed-- a bit too big for baby. On a whim, I purchased 2 more skeins of yarn for it the other week, and am hoping that all the yarn I have will make it to the end. Of the colors you can see above, the dark blue and the medium green are the easiest to find in craft stores and what I have the most of. After the blue light-to-dark repeat, I'm adding a row or two of beige, followed by a green dark-to-light repeat. There will be reassessment at that point, to see what yarn I have left and if it's big enough.
For both of these projects, I've been watching TV on DVD for a few hours at a time. I'm re-watching Joss Whedon's
Firefly, which, if you haven't seen it, you totally should. On a whim, I also picked up the first season of
Call the Midwife at my library last week. It took me two days to watch all of it, and I'm hooked. I now have the second season, and will probably get quite a bit more crocheted while watching that.
Books and more books |
The major brain stretching of the first few weeks after school's done can be found in this giant stack of books. It's quite a stack of subjects, from faith to history to birthing. The two that you can't see the spine are Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way and The Fellowship of the Ring on audiobook. I've been reading quite closely the Bradley book, as I have absolutely no clue what to expect when it comes to the birth of my child. It's interesting and educational, and has given me a bit more knowledge, even if it hasn't quite made me totally confident in myself. Of course, of all my books, the other ones I am really into right now are personal copies. So while there's no rush to finish those, I'm still reading them before the stack of library books. Oops.
My last crafting project for the week is fabric painting some t-shirts for the summer camp I'm working at later this summer. I think the fabric painting is my favorite part :)