
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Making Progress

Here I am, on 'it's too cold for the kids to go to school' day 4. Some might consider it lucky. Though it feels like it's been going on forever, my schools were the only ones to close today. There was still quite a list. I have to imagine I'm not the only person bored out of my brain. Reading, crocheting, cooking, cleaning- such hard work.

But in all honesty, I was ready to go to work this morning. Maybe tomorrow I'll get lucky. 

My biggest projects are still floating around the 'I'm not motivated enough' stage. So I've moved to smaller stuff. I'm planning on participating in the Ravellenic Games, so everything I'm working on now needs to be finished by the weekend. The moss green is another infinity scarf- of which I have many, but always like more. The debate is still going on- do I keep it for me, or add it to the craft show stash. (Sometimes I don't like including my craft show items, since I make them often, but I also like honesty, and this is a true bit of my life.) 
The brighter bit is the start of a songbird shawlette- a pattern I won a year or so ago. The yarn still isn't sure what it wants to be, but I do like the pattern, a simple 2 row repeat. 

I especially like the bits of green color that pop out. The yarn is one of my hand-dyes, so it's possible that it will see the dye pot again. 

My book jumped out to me at the library. I saw it on the end of a shelf, and I thought it might be a good read. Haven't gotten past the firs few pages, so the verdict is still in the air. 

It's Wednesday!!! Check Tamis and Ginny's for more yarny goodness!


  1. I love the colors you are crocheting with!

  2. I love the way the green pops out. It will be fun to wear it!

  3. One snow day is fun. Two is manageable. After that, it's just annoying!!


I love knowing that you stopped by!
~ Mary