Everything's growing in my neck of the woods. It's growing colder. My baby's growing. I'm trying to grow my home business. We're looking at food to grow next year. It's all very exciting.
I've been in the craft show business for at least 5 years now, possibly closer to 6. I enjoy doing 3 or 4 shows in the fall with my aunt, but I'm also looking at expanding. I'd like to get more of an online presence, but I'm not sure how. Any advice? I already have a Facebook page, which has been relatively effective up to this point. A photographer friend is using my items as props. What more can I do?
The weather also makes me more inclined to crochet away. Chilly winters means more woolies are needed. I have quite a few scarves, but I'd like to have a wider range of styles and colors. That may be my downfall, crocheting for myself.
However, I am crocheting quite a bit for my little one, who is getting more adorable and bigger by the minute. Going to work kills me, but right now it is needed. Hopefully next summer, we'll get a better planned garden together, which will cut back food expenses.
Living on a teacher's income is definitely not sunshine and roses, but I know this is where God wants me to be. I'm hoping and praying that working from home is in God's plan for me somewhere, as I can't imagine continuing this for more than one child. We shall see...
yes, we don't always understand why things may not be the way wanted but I thank God that you have work! About advertising - well, there's always blogs that do give aways or sponsorships. God bless and keep you! and uphold you!