
Monday, January 25, 2016

Another hit

I don't remember when I first read The Five People You Meet in Heaven, but it was something my mom and I both read.

When I saw Mitch Albom's new book at the school book fair last month, I thought my mom would enjoy it. Turns out, she was on the waiting list at the library, and was thrilled to receive it for Christmas. 

I think it took her under two weeks to hand it back to me, saying I would love it.  The First Phone Call from Heaven was not as I expected, but it gripped me from front to back. Luckily, I was reading it during finals week, and I did actually have some free time on my hands. 

I'm so bad at giving book overviews without spoiling the ending, so I'll just share my favorite parts:
- it was set in Michigan, so I was familiar with many of the places
- the modern day narrative was broken with short bits of telephone history, focusing around Alexander Graham Bell and his love story
- the main character didn't even know his own story fully
- there was more than one main character
- it did not make any one faith look good or bad

So, definitely worth reading if you've enjoyed Mitch Albom before-- that's my recommendation :)

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~ Mary